All hand Bazar

november, 2022

19nov(nov 19)12:00(nov 19)12:00All hand Bazar12:00 - 18:00 AKC Metelkova mesto, Ljubljana



All Hand Bazar si prizadeva ponuditi alternativen prostor za blagovno izmenjavo in s tem preseči brezosebno masovno potrošnjo.
Vsi, ki ustvarjate ali imate kaj, kar ne potrebujete več, vas lepo vabimo, da se nam pridružite…
Čas je za zimske zaloge dobrot in toplo garderobo 😃
Dovolj časa tudi za ustvarjalne roke, da nam pripravijo krasne nove izdelke za praznične dni, darila naj bodo skrbno izbrana in ne na silo kupljena v veleblagovnicah..
Izprazni omaro in naredi prostor za nove kose, ki bodo pomagali čez zimske dni z nesmeškom. 😃
Vse, kar je na vrtovih zraslo v preveliki meri za domačo uporabo, prinesi, izmenjaj za kaj kar tvoja shramba še nima…
Imaš znanje, ki bi ga želel/a delit še s kom?
Bi se rad/a pokazala s svojim novim nastopom?
Odprte prijave za vse glasbenike, performerje, ustvarjalce, pridelovalce, izimenjevalce…do 15.11.2022, na
Deli info., več nas bo, bolj pestro bo… 🙂
All Hand Bazar aims to provide an alternative space for exchanging goods, quality products and to see over the impersonal mass consumption.
All of you who are creating or have something you no longer need, you are kindly invited to join us…
It’s time for winter stocks of goodies and a warm wardrobe 😃
There is also enough time for creative hands to prepare us wonderful new products for the holidays, gifts should be carefully selected and not forcibly bought in department stores..
Empty the closet and make room for new pieces that will help you through the winter days with a smile. 😃
Everything that has grown in the gardens to an extent too large for home use, bring it, exchange it for something that your pantry does not yet have…
Do you have knowledge that you would like to share with someone else?
Would you like to show off your new performance?
Open applications for all musicians, performers, creators, producers, traders… until 15/11/2022, at
Share info…The more the marrier 🙂


(Sobota) 12:00 - 18:00


AKC Metelkova mesto



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