DISCO SOUP: Krog življenja: izmenjevalnica oblačil, predmetov in piknik zavržene hrane

april, 2023

21apr(apr 21)15:00(apr 21)15:00DISCO SOUP: Krog življenja: izmenjevalnica oblačil, predmetov in piknik zavržene hrane15:00 - 21:00 Legebitra, Trubarjeva 76a, 1000 Ljubljana



???????????? Pomlad je tu in z njo čas za novo preobrazbo!
???? Vabimo vas na kvir izmenjevalnico oblačil, piknik zavržene hrane in prost oder za glasbeno ustvarjanje, kjer boste v varnem okolju lahko prebrskal_e, preizkusil_e in našli_e svoja nova najljubša oblačila. Donacije oblačil, obutev in drugih predmetov, ki vam ne ustrezajo več sprejemamo pred samim dogodkom do 20.4. Prinesete jih lahko v naš mladinski center – na info točki samo sporočite, da so oblačila oziroma predmeti namenjeni za izmenjevalnico oblačil.
???????????????? Za aprilski dogodek bomo izmenjevalnico proslavili_e pospestrili_e z eno manjšo Disco juho! Disco juha je metoda združevanja brezplačnega veganskega etičnega prehranjevanja mladih in zabavnega osveščanja, v kateri bomo zbrali_e in skuhali_e jed iz ekološke, sezonske, lokalne, etične hrane in hrane, ki bi šla v smeti, ker ne bi ustrezala komercialnim estetskim standardom. Pogovarjali_e se bomo o skupnosti prehrani in oblačenju za prihodnost. ????
Se vidimo kmalu?
Mladinski center je odprt po razporedu:
Ponedeljek: 13h–17h
Torek: 13h–18h
Sreda: 15h–21h
Četrtek: 15h–21h
Petek: 13h–21h
Dogodek financirajo Focus, društvo za sonaraven razvoj, RS Ministrstvo za zunanje in evropske zadeve, Evropska komisija, Raising public awareness of development issues
and promoting development education in European Union (DEAR). Stališča, ki so izražena v okviru dogodka ne odražajo nujno stališč financerjev in stališča financerjev ne odražajo nujno stališč društva Legebitra.
???????????? Spring is here and with it time for a new transformation!
???? We invite you to a queer clothing exchange, a picnic of discarded food and a free stage for music creation, where you can browse, try on and find your new favorite clothes in a safe environment. Donations of clothes, shoes and other items that no longer fit you are accepted before the event itself until 20.4. You can bring them to our youth center – just say at the info point that the clothes or items are intended for the clothing exchange.
???????????????? For the April event, we will celebrate the exchange and spice it up with a small Disco soup! Disco soup is a method of combining free vegan ethical eating for young people and fun raising awareness, in which we will collect and cook a dish from organic, seasonal, local, ethical food and food that would go in the trash because it would not meet commercial aesthetic standards. We will talk about our food sources and clothing for the future. ????
See you soon?
The youth center is open according to the schedule:
Monday: 13:00–17:00
Tuesday: 13:00–18:00
Wednesday: 15:00–21:00
Thursday: 15:00–21:00
Friday: 13:00–21:00
The event is financed by Focus, the Society for Sustainable Development, the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia, the European Commission, Raising public awareness of development issues and promoting development education in the European Union (DEAR). The views expressed in the context of the event do not necessarily reflect the views of the financiers and the views of the financiers do not necessarily reflect the views of the Legebitra association


(Petek) 15:00 - 21:00



Trubarjeva 76a, 1000 Ljubljana


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