Izmenjevalnica oblačil v Kamniku

maj, 2022

14maj(maj 14)10:00(maj 14)10:00Izmenjevalnica oblačil v Kamniku10:00 - 12:00 MC Kotlovnica Kamnik, Fužine 10



Čas je za majsko izmenjevalnico oblačil!

Ste že bili na izmenjevalnici oblačil? Imate doma kakšna oblačila, ki jih ne uporabljate več, in ne veste, kaj bi z njimi? Naložite jih v torbo in jih v soboto, 14. maja 2022, med 10. in 12. uro v Kotlovnici izmenjajte za druga.
Izmenjevalnica deluje po različnih principih: »prinesi oblačila–odnesi oblačila« ali »samo prinesi oblačila« ali »samo odnesi oblačila«.
Have you ever been to a clothing exchange? Are there some clothes that you are not using anymore and you don’t know what to do with them? Bring them to Kotlovnica where you can exchange them for other clothes.
The idea of this event is that you bring your clean clothes that you don’t use, and you will be able to take others that the rest of the people will bring. Or you can just take some without bringing any. We will also accept ripped ones and try to reuse them.
So if you are interested in exchanging your clothes with other people, we will see you in Kotlovnica on the 14 May 2022 from 10:00 to 12:00.
Vstop prost


(Sobota) 10:00 - 12:00


MC Kotlovnica Kamnik

Fužine 10


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