Permakulturna izmenjava – Maribor

februar, 2024

21feb(feb 21)18:00(feb 21)18:00Permakulturna izmenjava - Maribor18:00 - 19:30 Pekarna magdalenske mreže, ob železnici 16



Kolektiv Really Free Food Forest iz Goričkega vabi izkušene in novopečene ljubitelje_ice permakulture na izmenjavo izkušenj in znanja, ki se bo odvila v sredo, 21. 2. 2024, ob 18.00 v Pekarni Magdalenske mreže. S seboj prinesite motivacijo in izkušnje, po želji pa tudi semena za izmenjavo. Pridite, povežimo se!
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Perma-Culture Skill-Share
A Really Free Food Forest collective from Goričko region
invites newly interested as well as already active people to the Perma-Culture Skill-Share that will take place on Wednesday, 21. 2. 2024, at 18.00 in Pekarna Magdalenske mreže. Bring your motivation and experiences, come and connect. There will also be a time and space for seed exchange, so bring some. #GiftEconomy


(Sreda) 18:00 - 19:30


Pekarna magdalenske mreže

ob železnici 16


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